Having been out of a job since December, the time has now come where I have grown desperate for money. While telling one of my friends that I was desperate for work he replied; You and 10% of the state! 33,871,648 was the population of California as of elections in 2008... that means that there are close to 3,387,164 Californians out of a job. DON'T FORGET THOSE WHO ARE NOT FILED FOR UNEMPLOYMENT. That's a hell of a lot of people! Searching for work has been moved to the forefront of my mind and has almost become an obsession.
It's not that I'm necessarily obsessed with finding a job but more obsessed with thinking of ways to make money by doing things I'm good at, like trades... I think... what is it that I'm good at doing. In times like these when it's hard to find jobs, this is a question we will be asking ourselves more often. What do I do well?
Only time will tell...
Labels: job search
Just try to keep your "trades" legal this time, okay. :)
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