Sunday, January 2, 2011


Saying goodbye to 2010 couldn't have come with a bigger sigh of relief.

Although I feel that I could complain for days about what happened over the past year... I've learned a lot. Love and all it's complications was number one on the "learn from this, stupid" list of 2010.

Two years wasted in a relationship that was going no where. One sentence is enough about that two year game.
A couple months in another relationship with an extraordinary gentleman that in the end figured I could be a little more extraordinary. He is and will always be a great man... we have fun when we're together... we are still friends and I will admit, there are definitely small hopes that perhaps one day... nah-
After leaving the league of the extraordinary, bitterness encompassed my thoughts and actions... which began to transform me into something ugly. So, for this new year of '11 the focus has become ME.
Looking back at the past three years, with my struggle to accept myself and dealing with the issues of coming out, finding my new place in this confusing... complicated GAY world... I lost myself, my passions and all of the things that are me. Having realized this I have officially deaned this year as the year of self and I am excited. ;)
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