3:40 In the morning, on this fine Sabbath day... I woke up after tossing and turning... got a little shut-eye and then, BOOM! Awake!
Ever heard of Pandora.com? I have it tuned to my favorite "blog" station, Enigma. The Child In US is playing. I remember when I first got into this music, I was in middle school. The soft beats and the ambient sounds would sooth me. I had a lot to think about when I was young and I guess I still have the same problem. It's a curse that will be with me throughout my life... I worry-
For the past few months I have been in need of a job. Since my move back from Utah, in the later part of December, it has been like finding a needle in a hay-stack. It's been one thing after the other... bills piling up, lost my membership to the gym due to my lack of funds, somethings wrong with my social security number so I can't file my taxes until I get that cleared up, my car didn't pass smog so I can't get it registered, my sister may be miscarrying her baby as I type! On top of that we just got through, as a family, burying Uncle George... The first part of this year has in no way been easy.
Beside all the tribulation there are a few wonderful things in my life.
Family! Today Baby Carmen and I were stuck in the house for most of the day so we decided to "work-out". We did this dance/exercise thing then some Yoga. It wasn't really a workout but it was fun. We laughed through most of it.
Juan! He has been sick for the past two days. :( Hopefully he will be fully recovered by Monday... I miss him. This is the first weekend, in about two months, that I haven't been over at his place. I had
textd him earlier to say goodnight but he was knocked out by the NyQuil but he just sent me a text, so I called him. It's always good to talk to him. He was a little surprised that I was still up. There must be a lucky star that twinkles for us...
After thinking of some good things, Sleep has finally caught up to me. My pillows are calling me so I will now say "GOODNIGHT". Sweet dreams, until next time-