Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Crazy things people do

*Disclaimer: In NO WAY do I mean to belittle the devastating affect of the earthquake in China last year or disrespect those who lost their lives... I just thought the actions of this ONE lady was a little humorous.*

YouTube is sort of a guilty pleasure for me. Especially when I start trying to find videos that might shock me. I don't know what it is about Earthquake videos... but I love them the most.

It might be the fact that earthquakes catch people off guard or I wonder *What would I do in that situation*. This clip caught me off guard. Watch it first...

OK... now, I used to work with a company called FLS International where I had huge groups of students, from all around the world, visit the states. They would stay for about two weeks so we got to know the kids pretty well. I remember a group from China and a conversation I had with the leader of the group. The conversation was about how people "from his country" take responsibility in their work VERY seriously. Doing everything they can to make sure that the job is done... apparently come hell or shaking earth.

I was really into the video when the nice lady at the checkout counter was presenting her ticket to the lady at the counter... then things begin to shake! I'm thinking *I would definitely be running by now*. THEN at 0:55 something extraordinarily ODD happens! The lady, after all the things falling or shaking around her PULLS THE DIVIDER CLOSED? What a GAL! And then, at 1:14 we see that her dutifully closed rope has been opened by another employee to let screaming people through. LOL! WTF!?

This one's for YOU, Airport rope closer lady!

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Blogger *ehu. said...

Apparently they didn't have fire drills in school, learning how to "Duck & Cover". During 0:57, did you notice that she grabbed for wrong pole for the rope and then she couldn't get it in correctly the first time. HELLO! There's an earthquake?! Screw the rope!!

Do you wanna hear{read} something funny... I first started the video but noticed that my comp's volume was down. So I'm trying to adjust the volume while the vid's playing. I finally get it up enough to hear it and start it over--EVEN THOUGH I could clearly see that it was going to be in Chinese. Why did I need to have the volume up anyways...whether it's up loud or on mute, I still won't understand it!?! D'oh Ehu!?

4/08/2009 12:58 AM  

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